Green Fields at Vijayawada brings a unique range of residences that create a healthy and happy atmosphere for its residents. With the help of elegant design principles and sophisticated engineering techniques, we have created homes that conform to our special 4-Point standard – ‘the quality of air’, ‘use of natural light’, ‘water conservation’ and ‘good health’.
The target audience was anyone who was interested in investing in a luxury home.
- Investors
- Entry-level Homebuyers
- Retired Citizens
- Other Second Homebuyers
Cities targeted:
- Vijayawada
- Tadigadapa
- Machilipatnam
- Gudivaada
30+ competitors in the same area
Target of lead generation with a minimum of 30% conversion ratio in 14 days
Changing consumer mentality (locals preferred purchasing land & building houses rather than buying apartments)
Convincing homebuyers and investors (Due to existing demographics and prevailing ambiguity in Vijayawada, investors & homebuyers were not convinced to invest.)
The objective of the campaign was to improve the qualification of the leads that had inquired about the project. To achieve that, our approach was:
- We started with the market research to analysis the target audience and competitors in Vijayawada.
- We came up with a communication that showed people the benefits of investing in our project/apartments as apartments were a totally new concept for the locals.
- We enticed our target audience by focusing on the amenities that the project had to offer with sustainable living. We conveyed that our project contributed to a healthier, greener, and sustainable tomorrow.
- We communicated this with our philosophy about Green Fields offering 4-point homes that give equal importance to ‘light, air, water & health’.
- We tweaked our campaigns so that we could get high-intent leads.
- We tried to exclude the users with low buying intent.
Campaign Optimizations:
- We experimented with variations in the copy & creatives to achieve the desired qualification.
- We managed all the social media accounts for S&S Green Projects which included creating a project, interest, location & brand-based series for the communication with the concept of 4-point homes.
- As there was a scope of improvement in the landing page, we optimized the landing page and improved UI/UX.
Campaign Outcome
- Substantial increase in website traffic
- Overall increase in lead qualification